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  • Writer's pictureLisa Bryant

What does Google's E.A.T. algorithm mean for your business?

What does Google’s E.A.T algorithm change mean for you? Chances are if you are in e-commerce or giving advice about educational topics, finance, medicine, motherhood, dieting or home remodeling, Google has slapped your hand lately and has you on their flagged list. What can you do? Here are some highlights:

1) Review your website for opportunities to expand on your trustworthiness, authoritativeness and expertise. How? List your experience, qualifications, titles, awards, testimonials and news articles.

2) If you blog, clearly list the author and information about them.

3) Also, be sure you have a contact page or clear contact information listed.

4) If you are copying content from another source, be sure to add your own commentary.

5) Avoid clickbait links and ad overload!

6) If you haven’t maintained your website recently, be sure to make regular updates to avoid getting flagged.

It’s complicated. If you want the full 150+ page report to make sure you don’t get flagged as low quality, find it at

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